Tuesday, February 8, 2011

To Type or Write, That is....A Very Good Question

In continuing my trend of actually posting to my blog, I return tonight with a virtual pen in my hand and virtual ink by my side, as it were. Unfortunately, the virtual word does not provide an adequate platform for unique penmanship, so I must content myself with one of several preordained fonts. I have been thinking on this a bit recently, and it has occurred to me that many people do not have mastery of script; keyboards are more the norm in our modern age. While there is a benefit to storing thoughts or information electronically, either for quick access or mass storage, there is also something that is missed by not feeling the words flowing out of your hand. I can not claim to be one standing alone against this trend; I use computers at all times of the day. But perhaps I should spend some time to write with a pen, if only a few words. 

In a similar vein, I have been using the art of the pen (or pencil in this case) to perform just that; art. I haven't drawn much recently (none at all really), but I used to draw when I was younger. I took a drawing class during a summer too far back to really remember with any clarity, and an art class as I drew near the end of my high school career. While I do feel the need to draw, it is quite overwhelming to take the pen and create the first line. There are so many good artists out there, that it seems as if their work overshadows you. This is my biggest obstacle in this regard presently. I must keep picking up the pen however, and keep creating the first line. In time, perhaps I will be able to move on to a second....

1 comment:

  1. Very topical argument, my good man. I actually tackled this issue in a collegiate interactive essay, albeit with antithetical debates to yours. Regardless, you present a well-described case. Perhaps I will paraphrase my piece and respond to yours.

    - Dust
