Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Stepping through the portal

He cautiously pushed the door open with the tips of his fingertips. A faint light shone through the crack, revealing a slice of his face as he peered through it. He had heard of this door from others; how it could bring answers, or even more questions. Was this really what he wanted to do? He craved answers, but everything was so confusing right now that he didn't think he needed anymore questions. The air coming through the crack was cold, but fresh, surrounding his breath with a blanket of condensation. With a small chuckle, he moved closer to the door, pushing it open a little further. This was something, new, different. It was time to change things, to take a new path. With one final breath, he pushed open the door and stepped through.

And so began his Expiscor ex iter itineris

And so began my journey of discovery

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