Sunday, November 14, 2010

I like to move it move it

I was thinking about putting a post up about an activity that I am participating this month. It is known to many as NaNo, and to others as Hell. However, I have decided that I will blog about that in a different post, and devote this blog to an activity that I am not participating in. Dance. I have always been fascinated by people who perform such complicated and intensive dances. They have so much control over their body, able to make it move in such a precise way. They move in ways that make it seem as if there are no limits, as if the body could flow like water to take any form. Not only have I been fascinated by it, but I envy it as well. Whenever I get the opportunity or whenever I find a video demonstrating such dance moves I like to watch it, hoping that eventually it will inspire me to do more than just envy it. So I'm dedicating this post to anyone that dances. It doesn't matter how good you think you are, it doesn't matter if you do it for yourself or other people. Just keep on dancing. Keep on moving.


  1. ...i think a dance party should occur... just sayin. Diane and I have some pretty sick white girl dance moves... XD

  2. My dance moves consist of....geeky white boy moves. But I have fun doing it! I'd love to learn how to do some real dancing though
